I’d expected to sleep in after the extra 8km last night and was surprised to wake up at 7am. After some reading and meditation I had a lazy breakfast and took my time packing. Beautiful morning and no hurry is a good way to start a hiking day.
Got moving around 10am and started slow, feeling the aftermath of my rush back for the food bag, train was really nice and the view absolutely breathtaking. No one else in sight, I felt an increasing connection to nature and enjoyed the hike immensely stopping several times to just sit down, relax
and think.
and think.
Where the trail passes the lakes it was rather poorly marked and I got a little to high up on the hill side offering a marvelous view over Sealggajavri with the glaciers of Storsteinfjellet right above. Fantastic excuse for another sit and some nice photos ?
My original plan was to stop for a meal at Leirvatnet before climbing the pass towards Lossi, though due to my relaxed approach to this day got me there pretty late. Reaching the lake at 15:00 and knowing the pass to be rather steep and difficult, I made the decision to call it a day and spend the night with lake view.
Part of the decision came from my right Achilles’ tendon being really sore and slightly swollen, something I connected with the quick paced double back the day before. Later I discovered some stitches at the back of my right boot being torn, decreasing stability of the shoe and putting pressure on the tendon… Nothing much to do about it except trying to reduce pressure and take it more easy.
Before making camp and cooking dinner I had a quick wash in the lake, nothing like water directly from the glaciers to get energized after a few hours of hiking ?
Felt nice to clean up anyway!
Had a bunch of reindeers passing by pretty close by the tent, always nice to see them in their
natural habitat, and got some good pics.
Around 19:00 clouds started creeping up from the valleys around and gathered over the lake, then spreading out all around me. Just 30 minutes later the visibility was down to around 20m and I was a real happy camper not climbing around on wet blocks up the pass!
Still a little weary from the day before I went into the sleeping bag early and fall asleep almost instantly after another fantastic day in the mountains!
The journey continues, please leave a comment to tell me what You think and share this with friends and loved ones who might benefit or be interested!
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Peace // Claes
Heej Claes,
Vilka vackra….fantastiska bilder!!
Såå fint, verkligen speciellt den andra och tredje bilden! : )
jaa…..naturens skönhet är svårslagen…wow…
Önskar dig en fortsatt vacker, god tur!
Hej Tanja
Vad kul att Du gillar bilderna, jag fick lite skäll av tjejen som hjälper mig med grafisk design för att jag hade för dålig upplösning på tidigare bilder. Så denna gång fick systemkameran hänga med – 2 extra kg som verkligen lönat sig i och med bildkvaliteten!
Tack för att Du tar Dig tid att kommentera, jag uppskattar Dig!
Peace // Claes
Halloj igen Claes,
jaa….förstår att extra vikten märks….men det är väl värt det, men visst är det så att inget slår minnet i sig av att vara i upplevelsen….nuet…på plats…..även om bilder kan vara nog så fanastiska och vackra!
Glömde fråga vart, de är tagna?
Går….vandrar du på känn eller vet du mer exakt vart och hur du tar dig till alla platser?
Allt gott till dig Claes!
Hej igen
Stämmer nog att inget slår upplevelsen att faktiskt stå/sitta där och titta på naturen fast en bra kamera gör det ju lättare att sprida glädjen 😉
Just dessa bilder är tagna i Norge på väg från Cunojaure till Hunddalen!
Jag har en grundidé om hur jag ska gå och sen får väder och dagsform bestämma!
Peace // Claes
Goodness Claes,
What a beautiful area you have before you to explore. Wish I was there and walking with you.
Be safe and enjoy this time you have.
Joy, Peace & Light – BE – with you always; all ways.
Hey Robert, so glad You like it – keep that wish active
Next year I take a small group of people with me for the first time, I would be honored to have You in that group!
Mahalo, I appreciate You!
Peace // C
Wow what a beautiful spot to spend the night.
Indeed, Tobie, can´t wait to share this with people live – got so many ideas for tours 😉
Peace // Claes